After completing the TA Practitioner Award (aligned to the Certificate level), you may like to go on to gain a TA Advanced Practitioner Award. The process is very similar.
Training hours75 hours of advanced training is the requirement for the TA Advanced Practitioner Award.
I would like to emphasise that you can attend all 144 hours of training provided by the programme should you wish - you will then have the theory you need for both awards, and can simply work on the portfolios at your own place. Attending the tutorials as you go, or waiting for them to come round again on the programme. |
Supervision HoursSupervision of your work as a TA Practitioner is a requirement, regardless of whether you are working towards a qualification. It is the ethical approach which shows you are a professional practitioner, and required by our ethical code.
PortfoliosYou will submit a portfolio focussed on a module or an aspect of your work. Your description of how you applied TA in a work context will be accompanied by a TA notation (showing the theories and concepts you applied) and supported by documentation.
Application HoursYou are required to keep a log of the hours you have applied TA in your work. These are hours when you used TA or taught it to others in a coaching, training or consulting context.
Presentation BoardAn online opportunity to describe your TA practice with colleagues, in a viva situation. You will be asked questions and given opportunities to show your knowledge.