SupervisionAs a practitioner, it can sometimes be difficult to find a supervisor near home or work. TA Tribe offers you a way of getting your supervision hours, or getting your mentoring needs met from the comfort of your own home or office.
Supervision is an ethical requirement for coaches and trainers, consultants and health care professionals. It is a safe space for supervisor and supervisee to work together, to gain insight and decide on action. It is a place for learning, development and problem solving. Lynda Tongue uses a sophisticated web-based communication platform and has conducted online supervision since 2009. Supervision is available in one hour sessions one to one, and also in small groups of three or four supervisees. |
One to one SupervisionThe supervisee has the benefit of an hour to explore, in a boundaried and contracted way, any issue they may feel they need to bring. Lynda will work with you using the tools of Transactional Analysis so that you get a "superVision" of your process. In this way, you gain insight into your behaviour as well as the opportunity to deepen your TA theory and knowledge.
Supervision SetsThere is a great deal to be gained by working in a small supervision set. Each session is contracted for, each participant works with Lynda for 20 - 30 minutes and a brief process review is then conducted.
Process reviews give more opportunity for us to gain awareness and learning using the concepts of Transactional Analysis. The overall session is 90 - 120 minutes. |