Lynda Tongue - Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst - organisational fieldDuring the Covid 19 pandemic, we turned to the internet to connect with other people like never before.
Lynda had been delivering training and supervision via Zoom since 2016, and prior to that, through Skype. Necessity being the mother of invention, new creative ways to stimulate interest, secure understanding and provide a platform for discussion were developed and enjoyed. Online training and supervision is cost-effective, accessible for most, and kinder to the planet. Lynda runs open programmes for coaches and trainers, and also in-house programmes for leadership teams etc. The opportunities to collaborate are endless and working in this way allows friendships to form across the world. The pandemic has receded (for now), and still the benefits of online TA learning and supervision remain. Whether you are interested in supervision, coaching, podcasts or theory - you can find it here at TA Tribe. Come and join us! |